To sell out three dates at the Jazz Café is something, but to sell out a forth is no mean feat, yet was so effortlessly done by Grammy-nominated singer, song writer and instrumentalist Dwele. As he took pride of place of the iconic venues stage on Monday night (11 April), in a single breasted suit with bow tie, he was greeted by a rapturous applause as he emerged to Kanye West’s Power, on which Dwele, of course featured.
Right from his entrance, which he asked to retake as he was not completely satisfied with first time round, the humorous and harmonious tone of the night, was set. Signature Dwele tracks such as ‘I think I love U’ and my all time favourite ‘Open Your Eyes’ kicked off proceedings, wetting the sold out audiences appetites. The Detroit native Dwele has certainly evolved since Rize (2000) and the critically acclaimed Subject (2003) both musically and in his magnetic and more confident stage presence.
The final night at the Jazz Café was the last London date of his current tour to promote his latest album and forth W.ANTS. W.ORLD. W.OMEN (W.W.W), which he broke down as Wants being his alter ego, World is time capsule documenting things as they currently stand and Women he simply describes as the baby making, bubble bath and his audio hallmark card. ‘The king of the pick up lines’ gave us a sample of his silky smooth approach.
Highlights of the night and indeed the album was a performance of ‘What’s Not to Love About You’ from the W.OMEN section, which apparently almost didn't make the final cut, but it was so organically conceived that it had to be included, and just as well - simply mesmerising. He was supported by a multifaceted and exceptional live band with vocal accompaniment by J Tait.
There was even a touching tribute to Nate Dogg in an impromptu performance of ‘Regulate’ and Snoop’s ‘Aint No Fun’. The night would not have been complete without of course ‘I’m Cheatin’, ‘With Out You’ at which point he brought the show directly to the audience as he departed from the stage and made is way through the crowd up to the stairs leading to the balcony bringing the show to a close. Dwele later returned to sign autographs and take photos with fans.
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