Wednesday 16 February 2011

Wake up and look at this thing that I bring...

It would be pretty dumb for me to say, 'you came for the Dilla, so here's some Alice Donut', right?
Hey; maybe like us, you do like diverse things. Maybe you like Onyx just as much as you like The Pooh Sticks. What do I know? I know that when cute, bookish american accented girls say barely audible things about the future of rock over a whirlwind of fuzz glam jizzaroo I get all excited. For further details please see 'Mylar' by Goblin Cock. Crazy name, crazy guys. sigh If only Crazy Penis were actually any good, instead of just softknob house peddlars. Can you imagine? What would have happened if the Jackson 5, or the Mamas and the Papas had insisted on being called Crazy Penis?! That's right; it sure makes you think. Hmm.

I know that there are many songs worth listening to just because of one tiny moment, be it the intro, the outro or deathbyumbongo.
I might bring the noise. I may also bring the quiet. Cocky Rocky shall stand shoulder to shoulder with Jangly Dangly.
O yes.
There shall be evidence of crossover, but I mean more 'Kim Gordon meets Chuck D' than 'Michael Stipe (up yer pipe, you look like a bollock and yer plums ain't ripe) meets KRS-1'. Y'get me? No? Good.
I know what 'sturm und drang' means (but only just).

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